Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The S - Connect!!

"Why God, Why me?" - How many times would we have asked this question!!

Have we ever counted those numerous blessings that have been showered on us? Do we value what has been given to us? Are we really thankful for what we have???

Well.... Those are a few questions that we need to ask ourselves.

When we do that little exercise of retrospection and introspect, the answers that we get are sure to help us connect with God better as we are actually connecting with our ownselves, first. We share a unique relationship with God. Just like every other relationship in the world, even this relationship has TRUST as its foundation. If you ever feel that God hasn't dealt you a fair deal, remember God knows what is best for you and also knows the best time for every little thing that has to happen in your life. Trust him.

This doesn't mean that if you don't trust him, he won't make the right things happen for you at the right time. God will still do the same but the pleasure that you derive will be on a scale lesser than what you would have experienced by trusting God to set things right.

You need to connect with your own self to connect with God. This is what I term the S - Connect. The spiritual connect which will help you appreciate life better!! Happy connecting!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friends!!! & Farewell!!!

Every passing day reminds me
Tomorrow isn't going to be the same.
Words can hardly express what I feel now
Seeds of friendship that we sow
Grow deep within and emotions flow.
That familiar pat on the back
The jokes that we crack
Are memories in my heart
That tear me now apart!
Oh why oh why should this happen!
With emotions my eyes dampen..
I begin a new journey in my life
With the virtual you always by my side.
Love you all
For what you were and are!