Saturday, February 21, 2009

Is Academics All Important In Life??

I have always felt that life is incomplete without arts and sports. How I wish we, Indians, had aped the West in terms of the importance they give to learning some art or the other rather than having aped values destroying our culture. The novels depicting English boarding schools have always made me yearn for things I have not given time to. Kids in the West are exposed to various arts and sports whereas here in India we give importance only to academics. We judge people based on their educational background and even in that we are too narrow minded that we can't appreciate the fineness of self help courses. To educated Indians, being a Doctor, an Engineer, a Chartered Accountant are the only options available which can be considered worthwhile and respectful. Anything other than the ones mentioned above are not respected in the society nor is their presence acknowledged. How pathetic our society is!

I hope the coming generations realize the value of a complete and healthy life. Success in life is not just about being successful academically but also about being happy, healthy and peace loving. Appreciating the fineness of the finer side of life and being tough enough to face the hardships in life is something that Arts and Sports teach us. Let us give up our prejudice and start life afresh! Come, lets cherish life!


  1. i think u cant blindly say so.....we people also give importance to sports but sports is not an exception......this is also spoiled with corruption..our nation has poor infrastructures and all the money are looted by the politicians.ultimately nly less amount is allocated for sports.....

  2. I am looking it from the side of individuals n the society.. Money allocation and corruption is totally an other thing.. long way to go!

  3. haha am looking in all the aspects and about the main reason of india not getting many medals at olympics:(

  4. guess having studied in prince school made u wrote this. but i feel the extra curricular activities are gaining impo. only x and xii students will never get any entertainment

  5. today the race is getting worse!!! as soon as a child enters the world, parents start planning for each n every step.. The child's life becomes mechanical!! All these abacus classes make the kid a machine!

  6. Hi.. beautiful one.. one thing which remains in my mind, popping out eveytime when i get a chance to speak is this..
